How Do I Get Rid of Excessive Algae in My Pool?

James William
My Pool

If you’ve noticed your pool turning green or cloudy, you’re probably facing an algae issue. If nothing is done about the algae it can quickly overrun your pool and make it unpleasant to swim in. The good news is, that there are things you can do to eliminate excess algae and prevent future infestations from taking over. In this guide, we’ll explain how a pool cleaning robot can help you take back control against algae, and other tips on what to clean to get your pool back up to scratch.

Why is There Alage Growing in My Pool?

There are several reasons algae can thrive in pools:

Chemicals that aren’t in balance — especially low chlorine levels.

Where circulation is poor, debris and algae spores can settle.

Warm weather, which promotes algae growth.

Dirty filters, can retain algae in the pool water.

If algae begin to bloom, you have to go to action as early as possible before it goes too far. We use a multipart complete pool care and advanced cleaning tools afterward, like the Beatbot AquaSense robotic pool cleaner.

How to Remove Excessive Amount of Algae from Your Pool

These are steps you should take to remove the algae from the pool and keep it clean for good:

Balance and check the same logarithms of pool chemicals

The first step in fighting algae is to test and balance your pool chemicals. Assessing the pH, alkalinity, and chlorine levels:

Chlorine: Algae thrive in low-chlorine conditions, so be sure to raise your chlorine levels. The best level is generally 1-3 ppm (parts per million)

pH: Algae love, pools with high pH. Optimal chlorine effectiveness will be seen in a pH level between 7.2 and 7.6.

Alkalinity: Low alkalinity can cause pH to bounce around, making it very hard to keep a clean pool.

After testing and calibrating the chemical levels, if there are algae that have yet to die off, consider algaecide.

Vacuum and Scrub the Pool

Chemical treatments will kill algae, but manual cleaning is required to physically remove algae from the pool’s surfaces. This is where a robot pool vacuum can save the day.

A robotic pool vacuum, like the Beatbot iSkim Ultra, cleans every square inch of your pool’s surface, scrubbing down walls and floors and capturing debris. This automatic cleaning process can help to mop up dead algae, bacteria, and other debris that may contribute to future algae blooms.

A pool cleaning robot is not only going to help you reduce a significant amount of work, but it is also going to make sure that your pool stays algae-free. They keep moving water and removing dirt making it a perfect solution for algae control.

Improve Pool Filtration

Proper filtration is essential to algae prevention. Algae can thrive if your pool’s filter is clogged or not working properly. Ensure your pool skimmer and filter are clean and operating smoothly. Doing so will help prevent algae spores from taking hold by keeping debris out of the water.

If your pool vacuum doesn’t seem to be doing the job anymore, it may be time to consider getting a new pool robotic pool cleaner. A pool vacuum robot reduces stagnation, circulates water, and filters out minute particles that would otherwise contribute to algae growth.

Shock the Pool

Chlorine treatments sometimes alone cannot completely kill algae growth. Chlorine pool shock is when you add a large amount of chlorine to a pool to rapidly raise chlorine levels to kill algae, bacteria, or other contaminants. Just make sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on how much shock to use, based on the size of your pool.

Be sure to run your water for a minimum of 24 hours after shocking your pool. This will help distribute the shock treatment evenly through the pool and kill off all the algae.

Remove and Clean Pool Equipment

Algae can also build in your pool equipment, think about the skimmer basket or pump system. Take some time to clean off the equipment of your pool after treating your pool. Clear debris from the skimmer, pump, and filter to prevent backflushing algae into your pool.

If your filtration system isn’t working efficiently, you might want to invest in a more potent pump or filter. With a better swimming pool filter along with a robot pool cleaner that cleans your swimming pool regularly, your chances of algae coming back are very minimal.

Short-Term Prevention: Keeping Your Pool Free from Algae

Once you’ve defended your pool against that lagoon and gotten rid of all that excess algae, your work is not over. Here’s what to do to keep your pool clean and algae-free:

Properly Test and Balance Pool Chemicals

Testing your pool’s chemical levels once a week or more regularly will allow you to stay ahead of any potential algae issues. Maintaining the right amounts of chlorine and keeping the pH balanced will stave off algae growth.

Regularly Clean Your Pool with a Pool Robotic Cleaner

Devices such as Beatbot AquaSense Pro can make up for that little mess in the pool and prevent algae from getting a good place to grow by removing almost all the debris from the pool. Using a robot pool cleaner regularly will help keep your pool’s surfaces free of dirt and algae.

How to Maintain Proper Pool Circulation

Make sure your pool’s circulation system is functioning properly by running the filter for several hours every day. It helps the chemicals to be distributed evenly in the pool water and does not allow stagnation of water, thus preventing algae growth.

5 Cover Your Pool When Not In Use

A pool cover can help minimize debris that falls into the water when the pool is unused, that algae breeds in. Having a cover also helps keep your pool cleaner and may lead to less frequent cleaning and maintenance.


Having too much algae in your pool is annoying, but you can fix the problem as with the right equipment and maintenance, you can get your sparkling pool back. Start with balancing your chemicals, give the pool a scrub with a robot pool cleaner (like the Beatbot AquaSense), and make sure your filtration system is working efficiently. Make sure you shock the pool if needed and stay on top of your regular cleaning schedule to make sure the algae does not come back.

If such is the case, I recommend a robotic pool cleaner like Beatbot, which can be your pool’s best pal in the fight against algae, thus keeping this clean and ready to be used whatever the season.

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