When Should You See an Eye Doctor in Lasik, NYC?

James William

It’s important to get a regular body checkup once in a while. Eyes exams, in particular, for all adults should be at least once every two years, although your optometrist may recommend you visit more often depending on your condition. There are many reasons you should visit an eye clinic outside the regularly scheduled time. This includes sudden pain, infection, double vision, and many more. This article will look at some of the signs you should make an appointment with an eye doctor.

Foreign Object

If anything enters your eyes, be it grit, dirt, chemicals, or large objects, you should seek immediate medical attention. For chemicals like small debris bits, you can use cool and clear water to flush it out. Hopefully, they will be removed before they cause further damage. If you fail to remove the object this way, don’t attempt using your fingers or tweezers or rub the eye. It will cause the object to move around and cause further damage.

In this situation, seek an emergency appointment or proceed to any emergency room near you; they have the expertise and experience that will enable them to eliminate the foreign particle without causing additional harm.

Eye Pain

You shouldn’t panic when you experience infrequent pain, but if you experience intense or ongoing pain, you should schedule an appointment with a doctor. Pain sometimes may be an indication that your eye is infected or a warning sign of a more serious concern.

Eye Fatigue

A lot of us spend a great deal of time staring at the screen; this can cause eye fatigue. Seasonal allergies and flu can result in your eyes feeling tired, but they might be an indication of a more serious problem. If you follow the 20/20/20 rule and still your eyes get tired, you should book an appointment with an eye doctor. Click here to learn about other ways to reduce your eye strain.

Eye Infection

When the eyelids get swollen, itchy, or red, or the white area of the eyes becomes pink, it indicates infection. The infected eyes may also discharge, but sometimes they don’t. But still, you should book an exam right away if you suspect you have an infection.

Blurry Vision or Problems Focusing

Other signs of severe health issues are sudden blurry vision or problems. If this happens, you should instantly book an appointment with a doctor. If the blurry vision is on and off or it’s just limited to one eye, you should schedule an exam as soon as possible.

If your vision starts to get blurrier slowly over time, you don’t need to panic unless the issue is severe. It probably means your eyes are changing, and your prescription has also changed. You should book an appointment with an optometrist as soon as you can.

Light Sensitivity

Light sensitivity is a common symptom of eye problems and infection, and in fact, it’s an indication of a more serious problem. Once you start becoming sensitive to light, you should go to the nearest clinic or book an appointment with your doctor.

Dry or Itchy Eyes

Seasonal allergies can cause the eyes to dry and be itchy, just like how prolonged screen use does. However, it may also be an indication of dry eyes. Dry eyes are a chronic condition that can be managed using different types of non-invasive treatments in hospitals and at home. Once you start experiencing dry or itchy eyes, it’s a sign you need to see a doctor.

You shouldn’t worry when you experience flashes, floaters, and spots. They are caused by protein bits and other tissue that are attached to the clear gel-like material called vitreous, which fills the inner part of the eyes. As people age, the vitreous becomes more fluid, making the protein bits and other tissue more noticeable.

But, some floaters, especially those that come together with light flashes, may indicate a serious problem like a detached retina. You don’t need to worry about a few spots or floaters. But once you start experiencing clouds of floaters, light flashes, swirly mists, or curtains over an area of your eye, you should seek immediate medical assistance with an ophthalmologist or a clinic like the Lasik NYC because this is an emergency situation that needs to be addressed instantly. Retinal detachments, if treated as soon as they occur, can be repaired. However, if left untreated, you may experience loss of vision or blindness.

Double Vision

Diplopia, also called double vision, can happen to one or both eyes. Monocular double vision, which means when it affects only one eye, may be due to astigmatism, dry eye, or keratoconus. Double vision can also be caused by abnormalities in the cornea, lens, retina, nerves, or brain. This is also another emergency situation that prompts one to seek immediate medical assistance.

When you are unable to coordinate properly due to double vision, the condition is called binocular double vision. People with such conditions can see perfectly with each of their eyes. This is a situation where your eyes are pointed at slightly different angles, resulting in them sending different images to your brain. To determine the cause of double vision, you need to book an appointment with a doctor.


When you start to see halos around lights, especially in the middle of the day, it’s an indication of astigmatism or presbyopia. Still, it may also be a sign of a more severe situation happening to your eyes, and this also requires you to seek medical assistance. Read https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/astigmatism to learn more about astigmatism.


The eyes are an integral part of the body that allows you to see things around you. Impairment to either one or both of your eyes can be a significant issue that can affect your life. Once you start experiencing signs of eye problems like double vision, halos, dry or itchy eyes, eye infection, eye pain, foreign objects, blurry vision or lack of focus, or any other unusual thing, you should visit an eye doctor as soon as you can. Remember, addressing issues at an early stage can reduce the risk of bigger harm.

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